
St. Marianna University Hospital

St. Marianna University Hospital

 For those hospitalized / visited

Consultation Hours

Reception Hours

8:30am ー 2:00pm


Sundays, National Holidays, and the year-end and New Year holidays

Guide for International Patients

  1. If you are a resident in Japan
    Please bring your Japanese National Health Insurance Card and a referral letter (a patient referral document from your primary physician).
    Our hospital is a special function hospital approved by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. 
    As a general rule, patients need a referral letter to see a doctor at our hospital.
    *If you do not possess such a letter, you’re required to pay 7,700 yen as the "selected medical treatment fee,” to receive consultation at hospitals like university hospitals.
    *You will also be required to pay 7,700 yen, even if you have not seen a doctor in one particular department for more than 6 months.
    *These fees are designated by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

  2. If you are not a resident in Japan and do not have Japanese National Health Insurance (visitors on business trip, tourists, staff at embassies or international organizations based in Japan)
    Unless you have an international travel insurance, you’ll need to pay necessary medical expenses after consultation or hospitalization. (Medical bill may be high depending on examinations such as CT or MRI.)
    Medical reports or referrals in English will be charged separately.
    In case of hospital admission, we may ask you a deposit payment in advance by cash.

    We appreciacte your understanding. Thank you. 

Documents Necessary for Your first visit

We are required to confirm identity of all patients at the time of registration by public documents, such as Japanese Health Insurance Card, Passport, and Alien Residence Card. Please bring these documents with you at the time of your visit to our hospital.

Outpatient Consultation Flow: General Flow on the day of Your Visit

  1. Please fill out your Registration Form and register at General Information Counter “Registration” counter on the 1st floor (entrance level). We will make a copy of your health insurance card, other IDs and a referral letter.
  2. We will make a hospital ID card and an Outpatient Reception Sheet and show you where to go for consultation.
  3. Once you go to the department at which you have consultation, please give your Reception Sheet at the department reception desk. They will give you a number. (To protect your personal information, we will call your number, so please hold on to the number until you go to the cashier.)

Our Approach to Minimising the Waiting Time

We provide outpatient consultation to almost 2,000 patients every day. As a result, patients are usually expected to wait from 30 minutes to an hour. We will, however, ensure that we respond to any urgent cases or sudden worsening of condition if deemed appropriate.

Follow-up Appointments/Return Visit

Consultation Hours

Reception Hours

Weekdays 8:30am ー 2:00pm
Saturday  8:30am ー 11:00am
Please confirm the outpatient consultation schedule in advance (Outpatient Consultation Schedule), as some clinical departments may be closed for examinations or operations.


Sundays, National Holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays

Follow-up/Return Appointment

In cases where a patient has been specifically instructed to have a regular checkup or follow-up visit by our doctor(s), he/she should have made an appointment with his/her physician at the previous visit.

Once you arrive at the hospital, please slide your hospital ID card at the return-visit reception machine.

Take your hospital ID card and the reception slip that comes out from the machine to the department you have an appointment with. They will give you an assigned number (they will call you by this number to protect your personal information, so please hold on to it until you get to the Cashier.)

  • If your last visit is more than five years ago, your medical record will not be in the system. Please go to theGeneral Information Counter with a registration form, just like the first visit.
  • Please wait in the waiting area of the department you are going to visit. To find out the number of patients waiting for the appointment in front of you, you can check the general display panel in the waiting area.

Referral letter from other Medical Institutions

A referral letter from other medical institution is an important source of information for our doctors. We highly recommend that you come to our hospital with a letter. You may come to our hospital without one, but you’ll be charged extra. (Please read the relevant information in the First-visit section.)

Please make sure that your referral letter is addressed to an appropriate department at St. Marianna University Hospital.

Change or Cancellation of your Appointment

In case you need to change or cancel your appointment, please call the number below between 9:00am5:00pm (Monday – Friday).

Tel: 044-979-5736 (available only in Japanese)

If you need to make changes to your test or examination time/date, you will need to discuss it with your doctor.



Once you’re done with your consultation or test/exam, the receptionist of each department will give you a clear file with payment slip. Please submit the file to the nearest cashier (1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th floors).
Once the calculation is finished, you can pay by the automatic payment machine in front of the cashier.

You can make payment either by cash or credit card.
We accept major credit cards:
JCB, AMERICAN EXPRESS, VISA, Master Card, Diners Club, or J-Debit

  1. Please insert your hospital ID Card.
  2. Please check the content of your bill.
  3. Please place the coin in the pocket.
  4. Please insert paper money into the slot.
  5. Pick up your change here.
  6. Please take your receipt(s) here.


If you receive a Prescription for your medicine, please take it to a pharmacy located outside our hospital. There are several pharmacies available around the hospital. You may take it to a pharmacy near your residence or work. In any case, prescription is valid only for four days (including the day of issuance).

*In-hospital prescriptions are issued only for investigational new drugs and in-house formulation.


We have parking lots available for our patients and visitors.

  • Once you enter a parking lot, there is a camera that automatically takes the lisence number of your car. Please note the 4-digit number on the lisence plate.
    The parking fee is 300 yen for up to 2 hours. After that, 50 yen will be added for every 30 minutes.
  • If you’re a patient and have parked your car for more than 3 hours, a service ticket will be issued at the outpatient accounting counter. please present your parking ticket at the  outpatient accounting counter.
  • Once you return to the parking lot, please push the 4-digit number of the lisence plate. The machine will show a picture of your car. If it’s a correct car, please insert the parking voucher. With the voucher, the parking fee will be 400 yen up to 4 hours

For Patient (both hospitalized and for outpatient consultation)

Basic Flow of the Hospital Admission (Scheduled Admission)

Once the hospital admission is scheduled by your physician, please go to the Hospital Admission Counter on the 1st floor to get necessary paperwork (to be filled out by the date of the admission). A nurse will ask you about your medical history, your family medical history, and any information allergy (for medication and/or food). If you are taking any over-the-counter medication and/or supplements, please inform your physician or nurse. You may be requested to stop taking them prior to hospitalization.


The Bed Control Section of the hospital will call you usually one day before your admission date to inform you what time to come to the hospital.

On the day of the admission 

Please go straight to the Hospital Admission Counter on the 1st floor. Please be sure to bring all necessary paperwork (filled out and signed). Please do NOT slide your hospital ID card in the Return Visit machine.

If you are to be admitted to the Psychiatric Ward, please go straight to the Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic.

Children to be admitted to the Pediatric Ward, please receive consultation at the Outpatient Pediatric Clinic first.

If you have any appointments at our hospital during your hospital admission, please inform so to the nurse in the hospital ward.

Depending on the situation in the hospital, you might be in an Inpatient Ward for the relevant department. 

Parking in the hospital parking lot during your hospital admission is strictly prohibited. The parking lot is strictly for outpatient and visitors. (Please note that no parking voucher is available for visitors.)

Smoking on the hospital premises (including parking lots) is strictly prohibited. This also includes electronic cigarettes. Drinking alcohol is also strictly prohibited while hospitalization. We ask for your cooperation.

What to Bring on the Day of your Admission (Check list)

___  Your insurance card (Long-term Care Insurance Certificate, if applicable)
___  AR Card (if applicable) or any picture ID
___  Any Certificate for disability, or specific disease medical card, etc., or Public   Assistance Medical Care Ticket (if applicable)
___  Eligibility Certificate for Ceiling-Amount (if you have it)
___  Hospital Admission Application Form and Declaration Form
___  Agreement for the Difference of Room Charge (for Private Room only)
___  Other necessary paperwork
___  Hospital ID Card (Please do not have your family take it home. You’ll need it  during hospitalization.)
___  Hanko (your name stamp, if you have it. No built-in-ink type ones are acceptable.)

What you need in your room (Check list)

___  All medications you’re taking (for 8 days worth of medication. If you’ll be in the hospital more than 8 days, your physician will prescribe generic medication from the hospital pharmacy.)
___  Medication Handbook (if you have it)
___  Pajamas (unless you use the rental service)
___  Towels (Hand towels and bath towels, unless you use the rental service)
___  Toiletries (toothbrush and tooth paste, shampoo and conditioner, body soup, razor/electric shaver), hairbrush, etc.)
___  Denture(s) and storage case (if applicable)
___  Diapers and wipes (if applicable)
___  Underwear
___  Cardigan or light jacket (if necessary)
___  Tissue paper
___  Footwear (NO slippers)
___  Earphones (for TV, if necessary)
___  Disposable masks
___  Cell phone and cell phone charger

Please make sure that polish, gel nail, and all artificial nails be removed before 
admission to the hospital.

You may be asked to remove accessories containing metal (rings, wigs, hairpieces, 
extensions such as hair or eyelashes, earrings and contact lenses for examinations and/or 
surgery during hospitalization.

Please notify us in advance, if you have any dentures or loose teeth.

Knives, razors (other than for shaving), any sharp-edged tools like scissors, matches, 
lighters, cigarettes, alcohol are strictly prohibited in the hospital wards.

We advise patients not to have any valuables and/or a lot of cash during hospitalization. 
The hospital will not be responsible for damage or theft during hospitalization.

Discharge from the hospital

Once your physician determines that you can be discharged from the hospital, your physician, nurse and pharmacist will explain what you should/shouldn’t do once you go home, give you necessary medication, and inform you when your next outpatient appointment will be.

On the day of your hospital discharge, the ward clerk will inform you what time you can go down to the Hospital Discharge Counter on the 1st floor to make payment. (If you have enrolled in the “Pay Later (Credit Card)” system in our hospital, you do not have to stop at the Hospital Discharge Counter.

Costs for Hospitalization

The date of admission and the date of discharge will be charged as one day, regardless 
of time spent in the hospital. Hospitalization charges for each month are calculated, and 
the Bill and Statement will be sent to the patient’s room, if the patient is hospitalized for 
more than one month.

Otherwise, please pay the bill upon being discharged from the hospital at the Hospital
Discharge Counter on the 1st floor. (The counter will be open from 8:30am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday, and 8:30am to 4:30pm on weekends and national holidays.) If you have applied to the “Pay-Later Service,” the 
bill will be charged to your credit card you registered.

Payment can be made by cash, credit card, or debit card (JCB, American Express, 
VISA, MasterCard, UC, Diners Club, or J-Debit). You will need a four-digit PIN 
number to pay by one of these cards, and only one-time payment can be used.

Please note that St. Marianna University Hospital calculates medical expenses based 
upon a predetermined fixed amount per day in accordance with the patient’s illness or 
medical condition, and/or surgery, using the DPC (Diagnosis Procedure Combination) 
set by Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare. However, for some medical 
treatments such as psychiatric treatments and dental surgery, PDPS (Per-Diem Payment 
System) is applied. 

Hospital meal cost

Meals are provided three times a day. For those with Japanese national health insurance, 
one meal costs 460 yen. For those from lower-income households, it varies from 100yen 
to 210 yen depending on the household income.

Eligibility Certificate for Ceiling-Amount

If you are under 70 years of age, you can apply for a high-cost medical expense benefit from your health insurance provider. (For Japanese National Insurance, your health insurance provider is the Japanese government and you can apply for this certificate at a local ward office. By doing so, your monthly payment at the hospital will be no more than a specified amount. Coverage under this system is, however, limited to the insurance benefits of your medical expenses. Please note that extra charges for rooms, hospital clothes rentals, and meals, etc. are not covered. 

We recommend that you apply for this system if you will be admitted for a long period of time or if your medical expenses are expected to be high. For your information, it takes about 2-4 weeks for the insurer to get the certificate, so if you know that your medical expenses will be high, you should apply for it as soon as you know when to be hospitalized.

About Visitation

Each hospital ward is securely locked, so visitors are requested to come only during the 
designated visitation hours (see below). If any pandemic arises, visitors are not allowed 
in the hospital wards. Visitors are requested to resister and get a Visitor sticker at the 
General Information Counter or Hospitalization/Discharge Entrance on the 1st floor.
No children under 12 years of age are allowed to visit patients. We may restrict 
visitation depending on the patient’s condition. 

Visitation hours

General Wards and Pediatric Ward:
  1:00pm to 8:00pm (Monday to Friday)
11:00am to 8:00pm (Saturday, Sunday and national holiday)

3:00pm to 7:00pm (Any day of the week)

Psychiatric Ward:
1:00pm to 5:00pm (only on Monday to Friday)
Please disinfect your hands at the entrance of each ward. Those who have a fever, a 
cold, the flu, or any infectious disease are not allowed in any hospital wards. To protect 
privacy of patients, no name plates are placed at patient rooms. Please stop at the Nurse 
Station in each ward to get the room number. 
For the Pediatric Ward, only parents/guardians, grandparents or relatives over 13 year of 
age are allowed.
Family members and/or designated person(s) may enter the ward, if any conference is 
required by the physicians or the patient is in a critical condition. In that case, the 
hospital will contact the visitors.
In principle, ward nurses attend to patients during their stay in the hospital. Based on the 
condition of the patient, family member(s) may be allowed to stay in the patient room.

For Patients

We request all patients to abide by rules set by the hospital. All admitted patients will be 
required to wear a name band around their wrists. For their safety, nurses and 
technicians will confirm your name by checking your wrist band. 

St. Marianna University Hospital requests all patients to cooperate with our staff in 
education and research, which are missions of a university hospital. We may use 
personal information of patients for our education and research, however, for this 
purpose, we will fist obtain consent of the patients. We ask for your cooperation.

The hospital environment is different from your home. Your physical strength and and 
motor functions may be weaker resulting from your illness, injury or condition. This 
may increase the risk of unexpected falls or falling out of bed, etc. Prolonging hospital
stays as a result of falls is painful for patients. We ask that you fully understand the
dangers of falls, and for your cooperation in preventing accidents caused by falls.

We will keep your living environment as comfortable as possible, however, please be
aware that we may require that your bed be adjusted, or use a bed rail, or install a bed
exit sensor, if necessary.

If you are not fully comfortable using the toilet or walking to the wash basin, please do
not hesitate to call for a nurse for assistance.

Please bring stable and comfortable shoes.

Hospital rooms

We have shared rooms (rooms with 2 beds or 4 beds), a private room and a special private room. Private rooms will be charged extra, however, if you prefer privacy, please apply once your hospitalization is determined. Please know, however, if private rooms are full, we may not be able to accommodate your request.

Health insurance will not cover the room charges for private rooms, so you will be required to pay the full amount of the room charges.