

2010 業績(英文)


The cAMP response element-binding protein in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis modulates the formalin-induced pain behavior in the female rat. Hagiwara H, Ishida M, Arita J, Mitsushima D, Takahashi T, Kimura F, Funabashi T. Eur J Neurosci. 2009 Dec;30(12):2379-86


Glucocorticoids stimulate hepatic and renal catecholamine inactivation by direct rapid induction of the dopamine sulfotransferase Sult1d1. Wong S, Tan K, Carey KT, Fukushima A, Tiganis T, Cole TJ. Endocrinology. 2010 Jan;151(1):185-94


Food availability affects orexin a/ hypocretin-1-induced inhibition of pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion in female rats. Furuta M, Mitsushima D, Shinohara K, Kimura F, Funabashi T. Neuroendocrinology. 2010;91(1):41-7.


Prednisolone causes anxiety- and depression-like behaviors and altered expression of apoptotic genes in mice hippocampus. Kajiyama Y, Iijima Y, Chiba S, Furuta M, Ninomiya M, Izumi A, Shibata S, Kunugi H. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2010 Feb 1;34(1):159-65


Rat hippocampus-prefrontal multiple units and synaptic efficacy in vivo. Fujiwara SE, Akema T, Izaki Y. Neuroreport. 2010 Oct 27;21(15):1003-7.


Dietary soybean phospholipids increase the oxidative stability of lipids extracted from fish fillets. Murano Y, Funabashi T, Takeuchi H, Matsuo T. J Oleo Sci. 2010;59(9):457-62.


Mechanism of egg envelope digestion by hatching enzymes, HCE and LCE in medaka, Oryzias latipes. Yasumasu S, Kawaguchi M, Ouchi S, Sano K, Murata K, Sugiyama H, Akema T, Iuchi I. J Biochem. 2010 Oct;148(4):439-48.


Lipopolysaccharide acutely inhibits proliferation of neural precursor cells in the dentate gyrus in adult rats. Fujioka H, Akema T. Brain Res. 2010 Sep 17;1352:35-42.


Progesterone receptor immunoreactivity in the brains of ovariectomized aged rats. Furuta M, Fukushima A, Chiba S, Sano A, Akema T, Kimura F, Funabashi T. Neuroreport. 2010 Aug 4;21(11):777-81.


T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase attenuates STAT3 and insulin signaling in the liver to regulate gluconeogenesis. Fukushima A, Loh K, Galic S, Fam B, Shields B, Wiede F, Tremblay ML, Watt MJ, Andrikopoulos S, Tiganis T. Diabetes. 2010 Aug;59(8):1906-14.


Cortical neurons from intrauterine growth retardation rats exhibit lower response to neurotrophin BDNF. Ninomiya M, Numakawa T, Adachi N, Furuta M, Chiba S, Richards M, Shibata S, Kunugi H. Neurosci Lett. 2010 May 31;476(2):104-9.


Formalin-induced nociceptive behavior and c-Fos expression in middle-aged female rats.

Hagiwara H, Kimura F, Mitsushima D, Funabashi T. Physiol Behav. 2010 May 11;100(2):101-4.


Age- and sex-specific changes in naloxone-induced luteinizing hormone secretion and Fos expression in gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons of gonadectomized rats. Funabashi T, Furuta M, Fukushima A, Kimura F. Neurosci Lett. 2010 Mar 8;471(3):157-61